List of e-Service Details in e-District , Andaman & Nicobar Administration

Sl.No e-Service Name Department
1 Income Certificate Revenue Department
2 Resident Certificate Revenue Department
3 OBC Certificate/ OBC - NCL certificate Revenue Department
4 Dependent Certificate Revenue Department
5 Tamil / Telugu / Malayalam Origin Certificate Revenue Department
6 No Dues & Non Encumbrance Certificate Revenue Department
7 Valuation Certificate Revenue Department
8 Marriage Registration Certificate Revenue Department
9 New Bar License Revenue Department
10 Family Member Certificate Revenue Department
11 Local Certificate Revenue Department
12 Senior Citizen Certificate Revenue Department
13 Registration of a Society Revenue Department
14 Registration of Firm Revenue Department
15 Permit for Storing and Selling of Fertilizer Revenue Department
16 Application for Money Lending license Revenue Department
17 Permit for Storing Petrol and Diesel Revenue Department
18 Permit for Using Loud Speakers Revenue Department
19 Marriage Solemnization Certificate Revenue Department
20 Economically Weaker Section Certificate Revenue Department
21 ST Tribe Certificate Revenue Department
22 Mortgage Permission Revenue Department
23 Application for New Tribal Pass Revenue Department
24 Permit for Storing and Selling of Insecticides Revenue Department
25 Application for Sale/Gift Permission Revenue Department
26 Licence for Storing / Selling Crackers Revenue Department
27 New Permit for Store and Use of Explosives Revenue Department
28 Boat Registration Revenue Department
29 Royalty for Stone Cutting Revenue Department
30 Royalty for Earth Cutting (Renewal) Revenue Department
31 Application for Un-Employment Certificate Revenue Department
32 Application for Solvency Certificate Revenue Department
33 Marriages under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 Revenue Department
34 Entertainment Tax Revenue Department
35 Issue of OR Report Revenue Department
36 Permission for taking out a Procession Revenue Department
37 Receipt for Land Revenue Revenue Department
38 Vessel Revalidation (Registration) Revenue Department
39 Permit for Slaughtering Revenue Department
40 Deputy Commissioner Court Revenue Department
41 Application for VAT registration Revenue Department
42 Application for Providing Information under RTI Act, 2005 Revenue Department
43 VAT Monthly Payment Revenue Department
44 Tehsildar Court Revenue Department
45 Income Certificate for Relief Fund Revenue Department
46 Permit for Firing Practices Revenue Department
47 Application for Renewal of Tribal Pass Revenue Department
48 Sub Divisional Magistrate Court Revenue Department
49 Grievance Redressal Revenue Department
50 Application for issuing a Tribal Pass for Foreigners / Indians under Research Work Revenue Department
51 Renewal / Development of Land Revenue Department
52 Grant of License to Stock and use Restricted Insecticides for Commercial Pest Control Operations Revenue Department
53 issue of notices Revenue Department
54 publishing of daily Cause List Revenue Department
55 Case Management (eg. Adjournment, Final Order etc.) Revenue Department
56 Case Status Tracking Revenue Department
57 Case of Final Order Revenue Department
58 Tracking of status related to execution of order Revenue Department
59 Providing information about govt. schemes Revenue Department
60 Security deposit for VAT registration Revenue Department
61 Development of Earth cutting Revenue Department
62 Renewal of development of Earth cutting Revenue Department
63 Commercial permission of insecticides Revenue Department
64 Dependent certificate for claiming parents government schemes Revenue Department
65 Permit for Storing and Selling of Fertilizer(Renewal) Revenue Department
66 Permit for Storing Petrol and Diesel(Renewal) Revenue Department
67 Permit for Storing and Selling of Insecticides(Renewal) Revenue Department
68 Application for Money Lending (Renewal) Revenue Department
69 Application for Unmarried Certificate Revenue Department
70 Application for Soil conservation work Agriculture Department
71 Application for Issue of No Dues Certificate Agriculture Department
72 Application for Minor Irrigation Work of Pond Agriculture Department
73 Application for Minor Irrigation Work of Pump Set Agriculture Department
74 Application for Minor Irrigation Work of Ring Well Agriculture Department
75 Application for assistance under micro irrigation Agriculture Department
76 Application for availing subsidy on purchase of power tiller / tractor / farm machineries Agriculture Department
77 Issue of Seed License Agriculture Department
78 Renewal of Seed License Agriculture Department
79 Application for Bee keeping under NHM Agriculture Department
80 Application for availing financial Assistance for farm mechanisation under NHM Schemes Agriculture Department
81 Application for Area Expansion under NHM Schemes Agriculture Department
82 Application for Character Verification Certificate Police Department
83 Application for Widow Pension Scheme Social welfare Department
84 Old Age Pension Scheme Social welfare Department
85 Application for Disability Allowance Scheme Social welfare Department
86 Destitute Allowance Scheme Social welfare Department
87 Application for Admission in Working Women Hostel Social welfare Department
88 Application Form for Animal Husbandry Farm Inputs Animal Husbandry Department
89 Application for Dealers of Weight and Measures Civil Supply Department
90 Application for Licence as Importer of Commodities Civil Supply Department
91 Application for Taxi/Auto Fare Meter Civil Supply Department
92 Application for Petrol Pump Civil Supply Department
93 Application for Manufacturer License Civil Supply Department
94 Application for Packer of Commodities Civil Supply Department
95 Application for Oil Tanker/Tank Lorry Civil Supply Department
96 Application for Electronic Instrument/Platfrom Scale/Weighbridge Civil Supply Department
97 Application for Flow Meter Civil Supply Department
98 Application for Repairer License Civil Supply Department
99 Application for Ordinary Instruments Civil Supply Department
100 Building plan approval and planning permission Rural Development
101 eTicketing for Visiting Cellular Jail Museums ART & Culture
102 Patient Referral Management System(PRMS) DHS
103 Application for registration of Clearing and Forwarding Agents in the Port Management Board PMB
104 Application for registration of Clearing and Forwarding Agents in the Port Management Board (Renewal) PMB
105 Application for Registration of Shipping Agent PMB
106 Application for Registration of Shipping Agent (Renewal) PMB
107 Application for the Grant of License for Ship Repair & Hot Work PMB
108 Application for the Grant of License for Ship Repair & Hot Work(Renewal) PMB
109 Application for the Grant of License for Stevedoring PMB