Executive Council

Executive Council

  • The composition of the Executive Council of the Society (hereinafter referred to as the Council) shall be as prescribed in paragraph VII of the Memorandum of the Association.
  • The Executive Council may co-opt from time to time and for such period as may be deemed fit, representatives of other organizations or institutions which may be concerned with the activities or programme of the Society, and such individuals having special knowledge or interest in such activities or programme.
  • Meeting of the Executive Council
    • The council shall meet as often as is necessary but atleast once in every six months.
  • Powers and functions of the Executive Council
    • Subject to the provisions of the act the Council shall manage the Society and its institutions in such manner as to promote its objects. It shall have full powers and authority to deal with all matters, things and deeds, which are necessary and expedient to carry out the said objects.
    • Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing powers the Council shall have and shall perform the following powers and functions, namely:
      • The framing of broad policies to carry out the objects of the Society;
      • Sanction of expenditure in accordance with the budget estimates passed by the General Body and financial bye-laws;
      • To invest the funds of the Society in State Bank of India and other nationalized banks or trusted securities;
      • To borrow money on such terms and conditions as are deemed expedient;
      • To prepare and execute plans and programs for the establishment of Polytechnic, college and other institutions and to carry on the administration and management after such establishment;
      • To receive grants and contributions and to have custody of the funds of the Society and to manage the properties of the Society.
      • To prescribe and conduct course of study, training and research in different branches of engineering and technology for the advancement of learning and dissemination of knowledge in such braches;
      • To prescribe rules and regulation for and to hold examinations and declare the results and award certificates for courses other than those for University Degree or Board Diploma.
      • To make all such arrangements as it may be required to do so by the statutes. Ordinances and regulations of the University to which the college is affiliated;
      • To institute and award fellowship, scholarships, prizes and medals:
      • To provide for an regulate recruitment of staff of the Society and its institutions and to prescribe salary, allowances and services conditions for such staff;
      • To enter into agreement or contract with any Government of local authority to obtain from such Government or local authority any right, privilege or concession effectually or other for purpose of carrying out objectives of the Society.
      • To draw, accept, endorse, discount, execute, assign, issue and otherwise deal with cheques, hundies, drafts, certificates, receipts, Government Securities, promissory notes, bills of exchange or other instruments whether negotiable or not for the purpose of the Society.
      • To prescribe the course of studies at the Society, add or omit any course thereto or thereon;
      • To pay all costs and expenditure incurred for the promotion, establishment and registration of the Society;
      • To co-operate with any other organization in the matter of education and training in Engineering and Technology;
      • To enter into any agreement or contract for and on behalf of the Society;
      • To sue and defend all legal proceedings on behalf of the Society;
      • To appoint committees for the disposal of any business of the college or for tendering advice in any matter pertaining to the Society;
      • To delegate to such extent as it may deem necessary, any of its powers and responsibilities to any office or committee;
      • To make, adopt, amend, vary or rescind from time to time, bye-laws for the regulation, of and for any purposes connected with the management and administration of the affairs of the Society and for the furtherance of its objects;
      • To do all other acts and things either alone or in collaboration with such other organization or purpose, as the Society may consider necessary incidential or conductive to the attainment of the aforesaid objectives or any of them;
  • List of Members:-
    1. Chief Secretary, A&N Islands – Chairman
    2. Secretary (Tech. Edn.), A&N Administration – Vice Chairman
    3. Secretary (IT), A&N Administration – Vice Chairman
    4. Secretary (Fin.), A&N Administration – Member
    5. Secretary (Industries), A&N Administration – Member
    6. Director of Industries – Member
    7. Director, Rural Development – Member
    8. Representative of Pondicherry Engineering College – Member
    9. Principal, Dr. B.R Ambedkar Govt. Polytechnic, Port Blair/Joint Secretary (IT), A&N Administration – Member Secretary

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